Détails du livre
In this groundbreaking account – already an internation bestseller – Dr Marie-france Hirigoyen lays bare the destructive “hidden” phenomenon of emotional abuse. she agues that qwhile emotional abuse is not a visible as physical abuse, it is equally violent – and perhaps even more widespread. It is a rime whose aim is, she says, “a virtual murder of the soul”.
Emotional abue exist all around us – in couples, in families, and in the workplace. but in an age where moral and behavioral standards are not absolute, society turns a blind eye to this insidious form of violence, tacitly condoning conduct that is both dangerous and perverse.
Illutrating her points with gripping case histories from her own therapeutic practice, plus popular examples ranging from the films of Hitchcock to the personal life of Einstein and the works of Ovid, Kafka, and Freud, Hirigoyen analyses the psychology of abusers and their victims as well as the dynamic between them. She breaks down the stages of emotional abuse, a process that begins with seduction and brainwashing and culminates in an open violence that sweeps the victim into a vortex of destruction.
Finally, she offers practical advice on how to break free of abuses’s vicious hold.
Stalking the Soul is a call to recognize and understand emotional abuse and, most importantly, to overcome it. Sophisticated yet wholly accessible, this landmark account is vital reading for health professionals and victims of abuse, as welle as for the concerned public.
This book is available in 26 languages. Check out online stores:
Abebooks.com – Alibris.com – Amazon.com – Biblio.com – Bookdepository.com – Google Books
- I. La violence perverse au quotidien
- 1. La violence privée
- La violence perverse dans le couple
- La violence perverse dans les familles
- 2. Le harcèlement dans l’entreprise
- De quoi s’agit-il ?
- Qui est visé ?
- Qui agresse qui ?
- Comment empêcher une victime de réagir
- Le point de départ du harcèlement
- L’entreprise qui laisse faire
- L’entreprise qui encourage les méthodes perverses
- 1. La violence privée
- II. La relation perverse et les protagonistes
- 3. La séduction perverse
- 4. La communication perverse
- 5. La violence perverse
- 6. L’agresseur
- 7. La victime
- III. Conséquences pour la victime et prise en charge
- 8. Les conséquences de la phase d’emprise
- Le désistement
- La confusion
- Le doute
- Le stress
- La peur
- L’isolement
- 9. Les conséquences à plus long terme
- 10. Conseils pratiques dans le couple et la famille
- Repérer
- Agir
- Résister psychologiquement
- Faire intervenir la justice
- 11. Conseils pratiques dans l’entreprise
- Repérer
- Trouver de l’aide au sein de l’entreprise
- Résister psychologiquement
- Agir
- Faire intervenir la justice
- Organiser la prévention
- 12. La prise en charge psychologique
- Comment guérir
- Les différentes psychothérapies
- 8. Les conséquences de la phase d’emprise

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